Friday, October 14, 2011

One Month

It's been one month. The longest and worst month of my life. I wasn't planning on writing at all this week as Dan and I are gratiously taking advantage of the use of a family friends' condo south of the border but it's been running through our minds all day. Even though we did our best to distract ourselves (zip lining and corona) it's still there and I am sitting here writing on my cell phone instead of watching the sunset over the Pacific. Thank you for everyone who contacted us today and remembered one of many milestones that we have to get through. (i can't even begin to explain how much it sucks when the life that you used to love has become a life of just getting through the day. This is definitely not getting easier.) Your love gets us through this. Today, when we were on the zip line and waiting on a platform for our turn, we saw a hummingbird for the first time while we have been here. I know it was her. I love you baby and I miss you so much.


  1. I have been checking daily for updates. Even though we are strangers, you and Naya have touched my heart. I got goosebumps when you said you saw the hummingbird. You and Dan are on my mind and in my heart.
    Renee-From the July board

  2. I love you. Been thinking about you all day <3

  3. I wanted to share your story on F.B. I posted a link to your blog.. and posted this.

    I've been reading this blog for over a month now. I just want to say.. that if you ever are saying to yourself.. FML. Or think things are not going your way and want to whine about it.. then stop yourself and read this. Thank your lucky stars that this is not you & thank God every day for your health and the health of your family. So many people get all bent out of shape when they have a great life and no reason to complain. It really upsets me, especially when there are people out there who really are going through something horrible. So lets try and respect them & quit posting complaints about petty B.S. Thanks & have a nice day.

  4. This is only my second comment (friend-of-a-friend) because I don't want to seem stalkerish, but I check often for updates and you and your husband and son are in my prayers and thoughts daily. As a mother, my heart breaks for you. I have also stopped feeling sorry for myself when my 5-month-old decides he'd rather cry than sleep in the middle of the night, and instead am grateful for every breath he takes. Saying I'm sorry for what you are going through is an understatement. I hope that with every month that passes, the pain lessens a little bit and you are able to find joy in life again.

  5. I also wrote this on your last post, but wanted to put it here as well.

    I have been following your blog since you started it and today my heart just aches as its been a month since your sweet Naya grew her wings. I have sat a cried a few times today. I hope you and your family are doing well today.

    As I sat here and write this, I noticed a sweet hummingbird is sitting on my balcony rail. I thought instantly of Naya. She is making her rounds to those who are remembering her today.

    Thank you for sharing your sweet hummingbird with us.

    ~Heather, a July 2011 member

  6. I think of you, Dan and Naya every day. I'm so sorry it's not getting any easier for you yet. I love that she comes to visit you as a hummingbird but I can only imagine that you wish that you had her here to snuggle and smell and kiss instead.

  7. I saw this and thought of you. While your series are different it is a story of loss:

    I think of you and your family often and check your blog daily. I can not imagine the heaviness of your grief. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Naya is too.
    Marianne, July Birthboard
